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7 best reasons to adopt Blockchain in your business

  Blockchain has been in news for more than a couple of years. Many companies have gone ahead with the idea of implementing blockchain. Recently, Finance and supply chain companies have shown special interest in understanding and implementing blockchain. Other sectors including government bodies have shown interest in adopting blockchain. Even Dubai has shown keen […]

IBM Cognitive Services: Speech API, Visual API and Language APIs – Part 2

This is the next and last part of my previous article. Little recap is here in case you have missed it. In the previous part, I have talked about cognitive computing, services, and Watson API’s. I have already covered Speech/Voice and Visual API in the previous part. Now I am going to describe how Language Processing […]

IBM Cognitive Services: Speech API, Visual API and Language APIs – Part 1

Cognitive computing is becoming the next essential of business today. This is the next leap in the technology race. First, let us understand what is Cognitive Computing and why this term has become the business essential lately. “Cognitive Computing is the process of mimic the way the human brain works. It involves various artificial intelligence […]

Cognitive Computing : Hype or Reality?

Mankind has witnessed two eras of computers and are set to witness the third and the most powerful one. The most important era where computers will be used as cognitive systems is stepping in. Cognitive computing tends to incorporate and stimulate in a computerised model, thought processes that are similar or close to that of […]

Just speak: Voice based AI applications

In the age of artificial intelligence, we expect more intelligent and automated system of systems. In this pursuit, the voice based application like chatbox is going to be super popular. We want our services as per our voice. We want to get food, get a cab, get the consultancy just by giving a vocal command. […]

5 Latest Artificial Intelligence Trends

From business applications to IT support, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is going to impact almost all industries. Companies like Google, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and IBM, are investing heavily in AI to bring the technology closer to customers. Let us try to understand current artificial intelligence trends that are disrupting businesses.  #1 Automation Automating redundant tasks that […]

Shiny dashboard with R Shiny

There is a perception that R is built only for data manipulations and data modeling purposes. Reality is that we can make any powerful web based interactive visualization by using R package of Shiny. How it happens : R-shiny: “shiny” , “shinydashboard” and “shinyjs” are powerful packages and that enables us to develop web based interactive visualization. #ui.R […]

7 ways data science is changing business

Today, organizations are applying data scientists to a number of sectors to help make smarter decisions for engaging customers and allocating resources. Following are the 7 most powerful  questions about data science by Navin Manaswi, Chief data scientist at Mantra AI 1. Why do business leaders need data science to accelerate their business growth? Due […]